What is a Water Meter?
A water meter is a device that measures the volume of water delivered to a property. In El Paso, we measure water in cubic feet. One hundred cubic foot (CCF) equals about 748 gallons.
Step 1: Locate Your Meter
Most residential water meters are located near the curb or sidewalk at the front of the property in a concrete "box." It is likely in a direct line from the main outside faucet of your home. The water meter box will have a metal lid and may be marked "Water."
Use a long screwdriver to remove the lid. However, be cautious as insects, reptiles or other small animals occasionally take residence inside the boxes. Lift the cover. You may need to wipe dust, dirt or debris from the face to read it.
Step 2: Read Your Water Meter
Mechanical Meter: Because El Paso Water bills in hundred cubic foot (CCF) increments, we only read up to the thousand foot dial (the last dial that has a black digit against a white background). This number increases by one every time a hundred cubic feet of water passes through the meter.
The small red triangular dial near the center of the register is a flow or leak indicator, and it will turn counterclockwise with the slightest amount of water that flows through the meter, even a dripping faucet.
Solid State Meter: Because El Paso Water bills in
hundred cubic foot (CCF) increments, we only read up to the thousand foot
dial (the first five digits).
This number increases by one every time a hundred cubic feet of water
passes through the meter.
Click here to view the solid state meter display codes.

Accessing Your Meter
If you have a blue plastic meter lid, you will need a flat tip screwdriver to open. Insert the flat side of the screwdriver into the slot, and press against the spring-loaded lock and lift the cover. For the metal lid, turn lid counter clockwise using the two holes in the lid and lift.