With finite water resources and a growing population, El Paso began an aggressive water conservation program in 1991. The El Paso City Council adopted the Conservation Ordinance as a way to further promote conservation. An important code under the ordinance limits watering of landscapes.
The Conservation Ordinance also establishes irrigation times during the hot summer months when evaporation is higher. Other codes, such as the plumbing code, promotes the installation of water-efficient fixtures in new homes and building construction or in remodeling of older homes and buildings.
This is an easy way to remember your watering days.

Landscaped areas can be watered up to three times a week throughout the year based on even/odd addresses. Water flowing into the streets is prohibited. Time of day restrictions are seasonal. Details:
- No residential watering on Mondays
- EVEN numbered addresses are allowed to water Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays
- ODD numbered addresses are allowed to water Wednesdays, Fridays, or Sundays.
- Schools, parks, cemeteries, golf courses and industrial sites are allowed to water Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays
- Times Restrictions: From April 1 through September 30, outdoor watering is only permitted before 10:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. on designated EVEN or ODD days
Water Conservation Ordinance Highlights
Violations to the ordinance can result in a Class C misdemeanor citation. Fines can range from $50 to $500 per citation. The following uses of water are defined as wasting water and are prohibited:
- Landscape watering on the wrong day and/or wrong time
- Allowing water to flow into public right of way or storm water drainage system
- Failure to repair a leak within five working days of discovering the leak
- Washing down impervious surfaces, except in emergencies to remove spills of hazardous materials or eliminate dangerous conditions
Permits and variances may be available under certain conditions.